Currently we do not offer a self-service SSO integration. Please contact us at Support to get started.

Integrate eqtble with Okta SSO

  1. Sign in to your Okta admin console.
  2. Create a new OIDC application by clicking on Applications > Applications, and Create App Integration. Okta application
  3. Select Create New App
  4. Choose OIDC as the Sign-in method. Choose Web Application as your Application Type. Okta new application
  5. Select Next
  6. Enter your App integration name as eqtble.
  7. For the Sign-in redirect URIs enter
  8. For the Sign-out redirect URIs enter
  9. You can use this image as the App logo:
eqtble logo
  1. Select Create
  2. Save the Client ID and Client secret for later use.

Okta-initiated login

If you want to initiate the login flow from Okta:

  1. Select the eqtble application you just created.
  2. In the General Settings section, click on Edit.
  3. Under the Login section, update Login initiated by to Either Okta or App
  4. For the Initiate login URI enter<connection_name>, where <connection_name> is provided by eqtble. Okta initiated login
  5. Select Save.

Information we need from you

Once you have created the Okta application, we need the following information from you to complete the integration:

  1. Okta Domain: The Okta domain is the URL you use to access your Okta admin console. For example, if you access your Okta admin console at, then your Okta domain is
  2. Client ID: The Client ID is the unique identifier for your Okta application.
  3. Client Secret: The Client Secret is the secret key for your Okta application.

Did we miss something? Have a question? Email us at to let us know.