Creating a Table with Chart Builder

With Chart Builder, you can easily create a Table that can be used to answer critical questions about employee performance, look into trends within the company, and assess the overall health of the organization.

Selecting the Table Metric

The first step to building a Table with the Chart Builder is to select a metric. A metric is an attribute or characteristic that can be measured. Examples of metrics include Time to Hire, Headcount, and Terminations.

To choose a metric, simply click the +Block button in the upper right corner of the Chart Builder. This will open a menu from which you can select the Table option (the default). You can then select the metric you want to include in your Table.

Once you’ve selected a metric, you may see the chart type change to a default chart, but by clicking the table icon again, you will be automatically taken to the Table View of the chart, where you can customize your Table with additional filters, groupings, and formatting options.

Building your bar chart

First, you’ll need to choose the metric you want to include in your bar chart. This could include any number of things, such as number of employees in a certain department, average performance rating, or average salary. Once you’ve selected the metric, you can then choose the filters and groupings you want to include in the chart.

Table builder